Disciple Leadership (Week 9)

There were a lot of good thoughts included in the material this week.

From Elder Bednar's, "A Disciple Preparation Center" I especially appreciated this quote:

"Faith is not a trait to be developed or a reward to be earned. Rather, it is a gift we receive from God. Scriptural synonyms for faith include trust, confidence, and reliance."

This was a new concept for me because I've often thought of charity in this light, but not necessarily faith. It taught me that I must rely on Heavenly Father for so much and must be close to Him in order to succeed both spiritually and temporally.

I also have been thinking about how Elder Bednar talked about the world today being like Sodom and Gomorrah. In the past, I would always question this when people would bring it up in Sunday school. However, I've been realizing lately the truth of this statement. I don't like to dwell on the negative, but I do think it's important to be aware.

From, "Good to Great" I want to remember these things:

"Whether someone is the 'right person' has more to do with character traits and innate capabilities than with specific knowledge, background, or skills." -Jim Collins

-"Good is the enemy of great." I want to focus on progressing and not just staying comfortable.

-Pursue only the projects that have these three traits"
        - What they can be 'best in the world' at
        - What drives profitability for their business model
        - What their people are deeply passionate about

Companies move from good to great by
        - Disciplined People-getting the right people and keeping them focused on excellence
        - Disciplined Thought-being brutally honest about the facts and not getting sidetracked
        - Disciplined ACtion- Realizing what is important to achieve and what isn't

I hope that when I do have a business I can focus solely on the things we excel at and not get sidetracked in the minutiae of good ideas. It's so easy to do this in day-to-day life with the myriad of distractions around. I also liked the emphasis on following and keeping passion alive.


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