Skill, Character, or Luck? (Week 5)
I enjoyed listening and learning from the video, "A Hero's Journey." I have implemented some of the action points mentioned in the film. The first action point I have implemented is the suggestion to ask people you know what you are better at than anyone else. This was a hard task because it's hard for me to ask people for help, especially when it comes to focusing on me. This was also a hard practice because I don't know many people who know me so well that they would be able to give meaningful enough answers. So as one takeaway, I think that says I should be sharing my talents with more people in general. The speaker also mentions that a lot of the responses would overlap, which I haven't found to be true yet, so I think I need more data. Here are the responses I have gotten so far:
expressing myself through writing
meaningful conversations
thoughtful questions
thoughtful acts
listen to the Spirit
can see something good about everyone
I'm still thinking about the data and searching for what puts me in the "flow" state as the speaker talked about. I liked how he talked about contemplating the formula:
God-given gifts + what brings you joy+ satisfying a deep need in the world that matters to you.
I also want to implement interviewing 10 role models of different age groups and asking them about their triumphs, regrets, and lessons they wished they had learned sooner. I've been thinking through I know and who I would like to interview. I'm excited to start.
I also appreciated this quote from, "Are Successful Entrepreneurs Born or Made?"
"Entrepreneurs become successful, one small investment at a time, in a never-ending process. Because entrepreneurial success isn't a destination, it's a journey. A journey taken one determined step at a time, in a way that builds lifelong treasures."
This goes along with a principle that I have found repeated time and time again while learning about entrepreneurs: it's about loving what you do along the way, it's not about the fame or the money at the end.
I listened to a "How I Built This" podcast this week about Jo Malone, who created and sold a cosmetic/perfume line with her husband. In the podcast she talked about what it was like when she stopped working at Jo Malone. "It wasn't my job, it was my best friend." "All the emotions you have with a human being, I had with a business." She went on to say how it defined her identity and gave her life meaning. Although we may not all be as heavily invested in a business as Jo, I think that she truly loved what she did and would have kept on working in skincare even if she had not made it big because she loved it so much. It was part of her. I seek to find that same connection and match too.
Things I want to remember:
What problem were you put on the earth to solve?
Am I a good person?
Who did I love and who loved me?
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